Prologue: Can I really manage to keep a blog?

Hi friends,

I used to have a blog. I used to write long articles and post few pictures. Now I have a microblog, and I have to admit that I abandoned my blog long time ago. Can I really manage to keep a blog again? I know that I never succeeded in keeping a diary or an account book, but I did succeed in keeping a blog for several years.

Yesterday during class, the nice and kind girl sitting next to me, Kylie, told me that the page she was staring at on her iPad was her blog. I was surprised by the length and density of the words on the webpage, and it reminded me of the blog I used to treasure. I memorized the link of her blog, and after I got access to my laptop, I went to have a look at it. It was so great. I wish that I had been keeping writing things that long.

I am in Cambridge right now. The summer here is filled with heat, sunshine, and tourists. Cambridge is no longer a college for me, it is now to me, a humongous city with the ancient colleges with styles of design respectively, with broad pieces of grasslands that look similar from the show Downton Abbey, with people wearing fashionable clothes while presenting the attitude that this is exactly how they wear every day, and with shops and businesses that always close far earlier than the time the sun disappears from the horizon.

I miss my home in Guangzhou, the place where the hot weather is much more horrifying, but a place where I can stay in my room with an air conditioner. Well, even so, I am sure that by the time I arrive at home, I will miss this Cambridge place terribly.




The Wait at Louvre