“哪个是谓语?” :记我爸对我「相爱相杀」的英语启蒙
While growing up and studying English at school, I was able to get by without much effort: I became the teacher’s classroom assistant and remained in this role for eleven years. Meanwhile, the most effective English language education I received was from my dad, the most diligent self-taught English learner around me.
Dad is a successful salesman with English skills playing to his advantage. He didn’t start learning English until he graduated from the naval academy, when he realized how important English was and decided that it would help his career. He bought himself the four-book textbook series of New Concept English — a popular series among Chinese learners in recent decades. He recited every passage one by one and over and over again, along with studying thoroughly music lyrics and lines from classic films. He crashed some courses sitting in on classes at an ESL-immersive university. Within a year, he even started to make a little money on the side as an amateur translator during the city-wide annual trade fairs. At some point, he started to use his skills to build connections with potential clients and win them over by volunteering to tutor their kids in English.
To people who don’t know him well, it sounds like he pronounces English in a funny way. (I kept reminding him that his colleague was Tony, and not Tonny.) But as someone who constantly receives compliments on my English, I have nothing but awe for my dad’s wide vocabulary and easy confidence when facing intricate English sentences: It’s like he could sit down, focus, and slice an English paragraph open like a fruit and then study it under a microscope. Even today, he works hard at reading and reciting.
Clearly, my dad has been hard on himself, and I think he was trying to put me through his experience — his philosophy of focus and diligence was exactly how my father “made” me learn English. From age five to around twelve, I was supposed to read English out loud every morning for a minimum of fifteen minutes. During weekends, whenever my dad was home, he’d assign me a 300- to 500-word passage — I’d have to spend whatever amount of time I needed to memorize it (usually a whole morning on a Saturday), and then go to him and recite it in front of him. There were always occasions when I thought I had it, but only to trip over my words in the very first sentence. When that happened, he’d send me back to my room to spend more time so that I could “really work on it this time.” Often times, after spending about an hour to an hour and a half in my room, I’d get frustrated and conclude that I’d never finish the task. But I was intimidated by his moods, and I didn’t want to let my challenge get in the way of our relationship.
在我五岁到十二岁这段时间里,我周一到周五每天吃早餐前后都要大声朗读15分钟左右的英语(以前学校早读或者第一节课还经常迟到,我爸说不要紧)。周末的时候,只要我爸在家,他就会从书里选一篇 300到500词的“精品短文”,然后把我关在房间里,让我把文章背下来给他检查:花多少时间不限制(一般要花两到三个小时的时间吧)。我经常在花了一两个小时之后,觉得自己已经准备好了,就拿上书到客厅找他。但往往第一个句子就会出现一些故障。这时候我爸会让我回房间,让我“这一次要认真花心思背”。
Sometimes Dad would check if I knew a new word he had spotted in his current reading. If I didn’t know what it meant or came up with a distant guess, he’d say how disappointed he was in me — that I did not invest enough time in vocabulary. I always replied and said that I did, and that it was just because he didn’t happen to have asked me something I already spent time on. Hearing this, he’d always get madder, claiming that if I’d allot more time to English, I’d achieve more.
The articles he assigned me to recite were usually above my level (for example, “The Gettysburg Address,” when I was nine years old!). The sentences were long, with a lot of unfamiliar words. Sometimes I didn’t even know what a sentence meant; how would I be able to memorize it? And it was even more impossible to memorize over twenty sentences in a row. Dad’s philosophy was that if your goal was to memorize the whole thing, then you had to force yourself to read the sentences out loud — over and over again — then the sentence structure would unfold, and you’d understand the sentences. “Where is the predicate?” was his main question when I told him I didn’t understand a sentence. “Where is the predicate?” he always asked. And among all the clauses, auxiliary…and verbs, I’d show him that I was able to weed out the clauses and find that core of sentence. “Then we go from there,” he’d say.
有时候如果我表示这个句子我看不懂(一般是背不出来的时候的合理借口),我爸就会问我:“你说这个句子的谓语是什么?” 紧接着,我要把从句和定语从那个复杂的句子里统统扒出来,找到句子的核心谓语。然后我爸会说,“既然已经找到谓语,那理解这个句子就没什么问题了。”
He was right. Ultimately, I always managed to understand those sentences. After several hours of preparation, I’d step out of my room, pass him the book where the article lied, and tell him: “I am ready.” He’d then sit in the couch and ask me to stand up, saying: “This way you’ll be more in the mode.”
Of course my recitation was stumbling. However, Dad seemed to be lenient with certain small mistakes; he’d willingly prompt a few words and ask me to continue. I saw the benefits of the two hours of practice, but what I really wanted was the feeling I got afterward. To me it was like building up my spirits for a six-mile run: my only motivation was the runner’s high I would get later.
My Dad assigned authentic materials, like short articles he wanted me to recite, and TV and movie clips. For movies, he would play a clip of the movie of, say, Beauty and the Beast. He’d ask me to turn my head facing away from the TV, while only listening, I was required to repeat a stream of lines, many times until error-free. Usually, he had to replay each line at least five to eight times before I could succeed.
To me, Dad was never a decent teacher, given all his impatient yelling and scolding. I had countless teary moments as he criticized me as a person and questioned my will. As a diligent man himself, I always thought that I would never be able to manage a vocabulary as his. But thanks to him, and probably with all the English exams and tests that ensued, I would say that I’ve managed to conquer this English learning challenge.
What I appreciate most about my father’s guidance is that he never mentioned phrase like “in an exam” or “for a test.” He wanted me to be self-motivated and cherish the journey of lifelong learning. Finally, I think I have successfully come to embrace this passion for language study and brought it beyond learning English.
这篇文章的起始点,是三年前在哥大的一节教育实践课第一节课的作业:An autobiography of your learning journey of a second language (写写你学外语的经历)。当时的小作文里有包含以上大部分的内容,加上我对我爸的教育方法的旁观者式分析:我觉得他使用的是一种叫做 Audiolingual Method 以及 Reading Approach 的结合体:这种方法的特征是 (1)集中力量通过使用大量使用真实自然的语言素材来扩大学生的词汇量;(2)授课中没有直接的语法灌输(但我爸通过 “找谓语” 还有背诵地道的语言素材的方式,给我铺垫了日后我对于语法的狂热)。
前几周突然想起把原来的作业翻出来改改。先是加了不少细节,再是趁回匹兹堡找朋友的时候约了母校写作中心的助手们,让他们给我的文章出谋献策。(要特别谢谢Emma!!) 写作中心小助手说,现在的文章结构,能看到复杂多面的人物性格了。("It's good that every paragraph complicates the character of your Dad.") 还要谢谢 Glenn 最后帮我修改了英语的部分。