Self-Rescue and Seeking Help for My Big Toe
The moment the doctor picked up the pliers, I held my breath. Still, I couldn’t resist grabbing my phone, just so I wouldn’t miss the moment when she cradled my foot to perform the minor procedure. I felt like a crab, with her holding the tool to clip me.

Our Story
Amidst that bloody orange moon, waves of rain over the woods, and double rainbows, W wrestled with me to help me fight contraction pain. When I finally asked for the epidural, W started playing songs on his phone to help me relax during the procedure. Before the heavenly dose even hit me, I found myself bursting into tears from the music.

Tennis and I
From the series of chronological videos, you may notice that I am moving more slowly and with less agility.
In the past ten weeks, as the weather has improved, I have played tennis 32 times. Each of these sessions carries a growing weight. As a game of preparation and reaction—not usually one of collaboration since I’ve only played singles—tennis feels different these days. Each turn, each swing, resonates more deeply as I play for two. My usual carefree rallies have transformed into a dance of balance and grace with my partner in crime, where every back and forth communicates a new promise. Join me on this journey as we rally through a season of mindful and hopeful expectations.

From Fall 2023 to Spring 2024: Seasons of Change
“I have never had a more complicated relationship with food.” This is what prevailed in my thoughts during the winter of 2023.
Dad stayed with Wayne and I for a period of time towards the end of 2023, a trip initially motivated by a business meeting and extended by his hope to spend my birthday with me.
Throughout the three weeks he was here, he cooked us every meal, including doing dishes. As quick and diligent a learner as he was in every possible thing that I know, using the dishwasher was one thing he refused over and over again: “the hot water in the sink comes so quickly. Look how efficient it is to just rinse out the dishes and you are done with it,” he said repeatedly. It was my first time having him cook for me for more than one day on a roll. As I grew up, he always reminded me verbally that he was a good cook, but it was always mom who did all the work in the kitchen, from grocery to prepping to cooking and cleaning (without having the support of a dishwasher)….
Happy (Tandem) Skydiving, April 17
Tandem Skydiving, a form of skydiving invented by two men 40 years ago, allows those without much adventure spirit or in-air skills to experience the thrill of the sport. On the last day of my Hawaii trip last week, I mustered the courage given by my friend and joined Mr. Bao in signing up for the activity. After the fact, it turned out that as a participant in Tandem Skydiving, all I had to do was board the plane, be strapped to the coach, smile for the camera, and follow the instructor’s sign to retract my legs when close to the ground and before extending them to start walking and finally landing. The entire process took about 15 minutes, including a 10-minute plane ride, followed by a 3-4 minute free fall from a height of 4000 meters before the parachute was opened to help us slow down and land safely.
Danger Index and Fear Index
According to the waiver we signed, skydiving is very dangerous, as the waiver repeatedly reminds us of the terrifying nature of skydiving: "Skydiving is a dangerous activity. You may be seriously injured or killed." Unlike typical sales tactics, the company seems to be protecting itself by clearly stating all risks, giving you the chance to withdraw now if you're not ready. If you change your mind and refuse to jump after boarding the plane, you are allowed to but will not be refunded. According to some data I googled, the death rate for Tandem Skydiving is 0.0002%, which is about 70 times lower than the death rate for driving. According to what my partner Bao looked up a few days before, a major accident once occurred during the takeoff of the plane that caused casualties, rather than skydiving itself.

One Week at IMG Academy: Getting a Taste of Student Athlete’s Life
IMG Academy is a world-class boarding school for student athletes in grades 6-12. They also offer adult lessons in golf and tennis that last from one day to five days. I was instantly amazed by the opportunity to immerse (and hide) among high schoolers. They have so much hair and always smell like shampoo.
Jessica and I chose the longest option, the five-day camp! Every day we have 4 hours of group lessons (10a-12p, 2-4p), and we added an extra package of four 1:1/private sessions with a coach (“breakthrough lessons”).

Summer 2022: Translation Course
I took a translation course via Catapult recently. For the final assignment for the course, each of us translated a piece of text into English (our classmates all speak English but don’t share the same language other than English) for each other to discuss and critique.
When I learned about this assignment, I instantly thought of an open-ed piece from over ten years ago, which my family and I read together in the Southern Weekly newspaper.
I learned from the translation course that in order to publish translation work (this blog counts as publishing too), I need to acquire permission from the publisher. I emailed and called to express my hope to publish my translation. The newspaper staff told me to do an excerpt of it instead of the whole piece.

Prototype Testing: User Autonomy vs. Necessary Directions
In recent iterative testing projects, I have been conducting concept testing with participants to learn about their experience with our mid-fi clickable prototype. In the prototype, there are 20+ screens, and they are of a linear step-by-step fashion. The selection of each step should feed into the following steps—and ultimately the final step.
In this case, how might we make sure that we learn as much as possible from the participants while also giving them directions to click through the prototype with minimal frustration?

Spring of 2021: Inner Thoughts
During middle school and high school, a weekly Thursday dinner ritual at my apartment in Guangzhou, was for my dad to read out loud the opinion column piece on Southern Weekend, a progressive newspaper in southern China. Mom would be moving in and out of the kitchen, commenting on what she thought was a fresh point.
In 2008, when a tragic earthquake took place in a town named Wenchuan in Northwest China that killed 69,000 Chinese, Southern Weekend argued, “It wasn’t a natural catastrophe. It was a man-made one.” Most mainstream news was emphasizing the collective strength and positivity of the country in grief.

Teaching English to Kids in the Family with Duolingo: Tips and Thoughts
Disclaimer: I don’t work at Duolingo. I did not get paid to write this article. I welcome any discussions.
Three months ago, my mom, currently living in China, gently asked me on a phone call, regarding whether I’d be ok with spending some time with my niece and cousin and tutor them English.
“Of course, of course!” I told my mom, “you don’t have to convince me any further.”
I always enjoy the task of teaching English, and having studied applied linguistics at grad school gives me even more confidence to say: I not only am interested in it but also know what I am doing. Well, I do sometimes go back and review my “teaching philosophy” that I wrote for one of the courses I was taking.
So, how did I get started with the lessons with them? To gain more understanding of their own proficiency levels, I decided to tutor them individually as a start.

Develop Persona Profile Pictures Using iOS Memoji
Two weeks ago, as part of the discovery phase research activities, my teammates and I were building personas based on our understanding of the users. After we put together the characteristics of each persona and their respective pain points, it was time to turn them into profiles with profile pictures. As the “UX person” on the team, I easily claimed the task. For my teammates, they thought I had more experience in “making the avatar graphics.” For me, truth to be told, it is just always fun to find those avatars, often from some open-source platforms like sketchappsources.com.
The personas for our user group were mostly Asian. Although I had spotted a few line-drawn avatar sets in manga style that bring an Asian-representing feel, I didn’t think there would be beneficial for conversations about our users. Suddenly, one set of avatars caught my eye: “Memoji Style Avatars.” I downloaded them and found one that seemed to be representative of one of our personas I had in mind. For the rest of the avatar collection though, there wasn’t much room for manipulation on Sketch to turn them into something I could use.
Then I thought, why not make some myself? I have an iPhone!

Challenged by Choosing The Color of Your Kanken Backpack? I Want to Help
I wanted to give my boyfriend a Kanken backpack as a gift. I know he always wanted one, so it should be a very safe gift. But what color? When asked, he said he wasn’t sure.
Could I help? I asked myself.
What can I do to help him make a decision of the color of this Kanken backpack without rushing him, and more importantly, while making him that he knew it was his own decision?

Turning "Inappropriate" Questions in Usability Testing to Meaningful Ones
A few years ago, I went to a UX training day-long conference on usability testing led by Nielsen Norman Group (NN/g), the leading research & consulting group in the UX industry. This month, I was luckily invited to do an intro-level training at my company on usability testing for some research assistants who are interested in the UX world. I decided to review my notes from the NN/g training.
The training would be an overview of UX interviews and usability testing. There is one part that covers interview techniques. From my NN/g conference notes, I found a few questions that were “inappropriate to ask” during interviews as a UX researcher. I decided to use them as examples to walk through, while I offer suggestions to improve the questions. I’d like to share my writing and thoughts here.
1. “What do you think of the colors and fonts?”
Check design standards when designing; use other tasks to find out if the colors and fonts work, like a comparison.

When Home Is Where Instagram Is Illegal
From a 10-day trip back home to a Netflix documentary about Instagram.
There is a phrase between a good friend of mine, Mel, and me — after she returned to China after four years in the US that seemed like a lifetime we shared — “Instagram freedom.” Whether she has Instagram freedom or not at the moment completely depends on whether she is physically in China or not. Taking a vacation traveling to Europe, yes, she is back to “having Instagram freedom”; having dinner at home in Beijing, no, she does not have Instagram freedom.
A little bit of unnecessary quick background info:
Do you know that Instagram is blocked under the great firewall of China? Maybe you do. Maybe you also know that all Google products (of course, it includes Gmail, YouTube, or the Google search engine), Netflix, Facebook, and most academic websites (e.g., my Alma Mater, UCSD), are blocked too?

“YOU Take Control as a User Researcher”
After two days of preparing materials, practicing the protocol, and setting up technologies, I finally am able to lead a one-hour pilot session. My mentor and peer teammate are observing behind my participant and me, offering support when I need.
After thanking our pilot participant after the pilot, my mentor closes the door.
I see. I am about to receive the first official “performance feedback” from the team. It’s big for me. It’s exciting. Until then, I have never received a sit-down feedback thing for moderating a user research test session. All I know about myself is that I love saying “I love receiving feedback from my mentors and improving myself based on that feedback.” I’ve said that so many times so that must be true.
“So, what do you think?” My mentor asks.

Shall I Complain, They’re Already Wearing Headphones
Someday from five years ago, I was working on an assignment in a computer lab at UC San Diego. There was always a sign on the door reminding us not to talk or eat at any time in the lab. The lab was normally really quiet and clean.
Until it wasn’t quiet anymore. I heard music being played in the room. I turned my head around to see what happened.
Nothing in particular, I thought. Students scattered in the lab were either working on homework with serious looks on their faces or chilling with their headphones on. Where could that sound come from?
I listened in more closely to locate the source of the sound. I scoped down the target range to one guy, who was sitting a few seats to my left near the aisle. He obviously had his big headset on though.

Arguments in the Recent History of Emoji -- In Honor of World Emoji Day 2018
The first emoji was created in 1999 on Japanese mobile phones. As of the time I (just) Googled, there were 2,666 existing emojis. For the sake of the flow of this article, please expect no funny pics of emoji in between sentences 😂.
Emoji: A step forward or back for our language?
During an event at which Apple announced new, upgraded emoji features (added icons, color effects, etc.), one of the company’s developers claimed that using emoji is in conflict with the development of understanding the English language: “The children tomorrow will have no understanding of the English language.”
Supporting this idea was a female blogger’s 24-hour experiment, in which she texted her friends and family using only emojis. After the experiment, she came to realize several challenges of [using] pure pictorial communication {with emojis}. First, emojis are not fixed in meaning and are highly open to interpretation across cultures or background knowledge. For instance, the use of an emoji of two hands palm-to-palm is not consistent across cultures. According to researcher Neil Cohn, “🙏” tend to be used by Asians to express appreciation (“thank you,” “please”), while Western cultures generally use it as a substitute for “praying.” In this case, if one emoji could stimulate various responses or sensations, it is beyond prediction how a complete sentence built by only emojis would trigger massive misinterpretation.

The Perfect Ambiguity
I met a sweet, outgoing, and stylish Chinese classmate around my age, Yi at the summer improv course at the university. To be more specific, Carnegie Mellon University, where the best School of Computer Science and School of Drama coexists. Shortly after we got to know each other, she invited me to grab dinner with her husband at a Turkish place near campus.
That night, we talked about our experiences in the US as non native speakers of English. The couple shared their concerns about their lack of mastery of the English language, especially in getting their points across in group conversations.
I also expressed my appreciation to Yi, mostly on how brave I thought she was in the improv class we took together, where she absolutely put herself out there, jumping into actives and just, having fun with us the whole time.
Her husband, Lao Yang, a reserved while witty one, decided to share with me something they odd they encountered in Boston a few weeks ago, where he claimed that “my wife thought my response to the English native speaker was a little rude.”
“Tell me tell me tell me.” I urged.

When Happiness Is So Overrated
I have been on Flickr for a while, especially as a big fan for its "Organizr" function that allows a single photo to be included in multiple galleries. With Flickr acquired by SmugMug, I decided to explore what SmugMug has to offer.
I transferred some old photos and uploaded a few more. Then I received the following message on the screen:
"Hooray! That's 1 happier photo.:)"
I was confused.

Mind If I Practice the Piano Privately?
My best friend called me on FaceTime, insisting that he play me a song he had been practicing recently on his electric piano.
Something Richard Clayderman for sure, I knew it. His piano pieces were always so familiar on the ears, so soft, and sometimes like an infinite loop that seems to have no end.
“OK! You are starting to loop the song!” I attempted to stop him at a seemingly appropriate place in the music sheet.